Placebo aj ako antidepresívum, no bez vedľajších účinkov
Text je určený pre medicínskych profesionálov. Ak by sme v prípade depresie podávali placebo, síce by bola úspešnosť nižšia (asi o 1/4) ako pri liečbe regulárnym antidepresívom, ale pacient by nám ostal tou osobnosťou, ktorú sme poznali.
Experts have long known that the placebo effect explains much of the mood lift patients report after going on antidepressants. This was the case in the new study, published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry—patients with major depressive disorder who were given a placebo saw their symptoms improve about three quarters as much as those given paroxetine, an antidepressant also known as Paxil. But only the patients who took paroxetine displayed personality changes in two key areas of the widely used five-factor model of personality: they scored lower on neuroticism, the tendency to experience negative emotions such as guilt and anxiety, and they scored higher on extroversion, which includes traits such as talkativeness and assertiveness.
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