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Užívatelia vraj čím ďalej tým viac surfujú prostredníctvom moderných mobilov. Kde sú zákazníci, tam sú aj inzerenti. A Adwords je tu pre všetkých: I had made the assumption that most of the advertisers using these ads are large, national organizations with call centers. But Chatterjee said that there was a mix of large and small […]
Pre ostatné krajiny sa nič nemení. To znamená, že aj naďalej budeme musieť čakať na ručné schválenie novozadaných inzertných zostáv. Accordingly, we’ll no longer be using any 3rd party verifier of online pharmacies other than VIPPS and CIPA. AdWords advertisers who aren’t accredited by VIPPS or CIPA will no longer see their online pharmacy ads […]
Aspoň tak si to myslí americký FDA a varoval 14 najväčších farmaceutických producentov. The Food and Drug Administration warned 14 major pharmaceutical companies about brief Internet ads that accompany searches on Google and other search engines, saying the ads were misleading because they didn’t include risk information. FDA Warns Drug Firms Over Internet Ads – […]
Google začal obohacovať zoznam fráz, ktoré navrhuje užívateľovi pri zadávaní kľúčových slov do vyhľadávacieho políčka aj o reklamu z Google Adwords. Zatiaľ len pre pár inzerentov, ale raz… But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. Google is very much downplaying that aspect right now, only saying that its experimenting with a limited number of sponsored links […]
Veľmi kontroverzný produkt AdSense for domains bude onedlho prístupný všetkým majiteľom Adsense účtov. The product will be initially rolled out in phases to English-language AdSense publishers located in North America, and we’ll expand to additional regions and languages in the future. Inside AdSense: Extending AdSense for domains to all publishers. AdSense for domains je produkt, […]